all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 8AA 4 0 55.013396 -1.481991
NE29 8AB 32 0 55.014254 -1.4807
NE29 8AD 4 0 55.01496 -1.481848
NE29 8AE 95 0 55.016138 -1.479831
NE29 8AH 58 0 55.017474 -1.483332
NE29 8AJ 36 0 55.014421 -1.479712
NE29 8AN 27 0 55.024175 -1.486985
NE29 8AP 19 0 55.024426 -1.486794
NE29 8AR 24 0 55.015582 -1.482293
NE29 8AT 31 0 55.016642 -1.48228
NE29 8AS 8 0 55.016259 -1.482941
NE29 8AW 36 0 55.019439 -1.476504
NE29 8AY 13 0 55.018802 -1.480938
NE29 8AZ 20 0 55.019297 -1.479008
NE29 8BB 33 0 55.020151 -1.478903
NE29 8BD 8 5 55.019571 -1.4778
NE29 8BE 6 0 55.019182 -1.477273
NE29 8BG 48 0 55.018902 -1.47906
NE29 8BH 66 0 55.016933 -1.480915
NE29 8BJ 12 0 55.017917 -1.481841